React Native Support For macOS and Windows/FaceBook Rebirth

ThankGod Ukachukwu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2020


React Native for macOS and Windows

The React Native (RN) Team at Microsoft announced a preview release of React Native on macOS and Windows which aligns with React Native v62 . React Native is living up to its mantra of “write once, run everywhere.” It is giving cross platform developers a boost to play in software development ecosystem. When earlier in 2020 Facebook Messenger was released on native languages for the iOS, it looked as if RN was in troubled waters. However, the recent announcement signals that the future of React Native is looking good.

Anyone who has developed an application with RN, especially a React enthusiast knows that it gives super powers working on one platform that will be deployed on iOS and Android without much hassles. Now extra powers have been added with the support for macOS and Windows. Deploying one project with minimal changes to 4 platforms is a huge win.

The Tutorial

I headed to the Microsoft announcement page, and got on my hands on the tutorial. For anyone who has developed a React Native app, it is trivial. However, if you have worked with only expo framework, it might look a little different because I doubt expo support is available yet. So it is not the typical expo project structure which abstracts much of the boilerplate…

