Smart People use iPhone says Study

Casimiro Filipe
Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020


Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

Do you have an iPhone? Then you’re probably smarter than Android or Windows Phone users.

The study was conducted by the online advertising network Chitika, before closing the doors in April 2019. The study indicates that in the US states with the most licensees, the iPhone is the most sold and used equipment.

The study analyzed the correlation between the academic degree and the smartphone used. The results indicate that in states where people have the most college degrees, the smartphone of choice is the iPhone, while in other states with fewer graduates, people have a preference for Android or other devices.

Results indicate that Alaska (65.5%), Montana (60.1%) and Vermont (59.4%) are the states with the highest percentage of iPhone sales. On the other hand, the states where the iPhone doesn’t seem to be as popular are New Mexico (40.5%), Iowa (42.1%) and Delaware (42.2%).

Those responsible for the study also say the increase in wealth is linked to increased iPhone sales and, since a degree is correlated with a salary increase, indicate that these are redundant results.

Another study, developed by Slice, a consumer purchasing monitoring company, indicates that iPhone buyers are essentially successful and wealthy men, especially in the first weeks they are put on sale.



Casimiro Filipe
Mac O’Clock

Christian Preacher and author of “School for Medium Creators" First author to publish 100% video content on Substack