So, I Found a Use for My (five) AirTags…

And no, I didn’t attach one to the dog

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

If you followed my journey with AirTags back in May, you’ll be aware that I had a troubled start with Apple’s tracking devices.

Due to inexplicably unreliable deliveries from Tim and co (I’m convinced they have something against my postcode), I had to rely on the product hunting abilities of my podcast co-host, Rob, to find an AirTag for launch day. This resulted in me obtaining five AirTags overall, once Apple had found my house a good four weeks later than they had originally promised.

If you’re yet to buy AirTags yourself, trust me — five AirTags is a lot of AirTags. So many, in fact, that’s it’s tricky to know what to do with them.

However, I have now finally deployed all five of my AirTags. So, today, I thought I’d reveal exactly what I’ve done with them. And I’ll answer the perennial question: would I recommend AirTags after a few weeks’ use?

How I’m using my AirTags



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Mac O’Clock

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Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis

Written by Mark Ellis

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