MacBook development tools for an easier life

Here are some tools that have the potential to save a lot of your time

Milind Jain
Mac O’Clock
3 min readMay 30, 2020


Oh My Zsh

It provides some cool features like auto-completing, search, command history, and git. Some examples below.

Do you have to lookup server IPs for ssh regularly? No more add the name-IP mapping in /etc/host and use ssh <prefix> and press tab you will get the suggestions. No more searching for IPs here and there.

Use command “d” and get the list of last used directory so you don't have to remember and type the path again.

They provide some useful git alias as below:

iTerm 2

Do you think the MacOS native terminal is good? No more! Start using iTerm and there is no going back Some of the cool features are:
1. Split Panes
2. Autocomplete
3. Search
4. Notification Center Support (Get notified when your build is complete while you are on another window no need to go back to build window and keep checking.)
5. Exposé Tab (Similar to Macs explore tab with the additional search feature.)
6. Drag-drop files to upload with scp.


This is my favorite has saved a lot of my time. This keeps track of copy history which is configurable. Use (Command + Shift + v) and select the one you want to paste from history.


Work with multiple servers at the same time. May be used for parallel deployment if the number of servers is less or very helpful in debugging too. You can type the same command in multiple terminals.

Sublime Text

This has quite a popularity won’t say much about it.

IntelliJ IDEA

This is possibly the best IDE for java. They have a community version that is good enough (excellent I must say :)).


The best API client. Easy to share API requests within teams.


This helps you learn to write good quality code with best practice and also suggests optimization. They have a plugin for IntelliJ, VScode, Eclipse etc. This also helps with learning better coding practices over time.

Image used from


Easy way to manage and run MySQL commands.

Robo 3T

A free tool that provides GUI to run and manage MongoDB.

I hope you find this useful. Thanks for reading!



Milind Jain
Mac O’Clock

Coding my way through life. Exploring depth and breath of Software Engineering and Machine Learning.