Telegram a Signal to iMessage, Please

Numeric Citizen
Mac O’Clock
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2021


Telegram on macOS

DHH on Twitter seems happy that the messaging app, Signal, finally has its moment. I don’t really know about Signal, but I do know about another one, Telegram. Now that Parler is out of this world, I’m wondering if people prefer Signal over Telegram. Is Signal more secure than Telegram? According to this website, Telegram, is apparently not as secure as its maker pretends it is.

Now, I’m wondering how these movements between messaging platforms would be affected if Apple decided to make iMessage cross-platform: on iOS, on macOS, on the web and on Android. Maybe this year the dynamic is different enough for Apple to make the move? Are they afraid that people will leave the iPhone if iMessage is available on Android? What is more sticky for the Apple ecosystem: the Music app or iMessage? In my opinion, iMessage is much more powerful than Music for keeping people inside Apple’s walled garden.

Reminder, you can find me on Telegram here.



Numeric Citizen
Mac O’Clock

Compulsive creator and contributor. Digital nomad. Light painter. Soon freelancer? So many things to do, so little time.