iPhone Photography

Ten Handy iPhone Camera Features I Forgot Existed

And how to use them

Will J Murphy
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readFeb 17, 2024


Createrd by author using ChatGPT-4
Createrd by author using ChatGPT-4

The iPhone Camera app has so many features, but I keep forgetting about them. Even if I remember, there is still the mystery and pain of figuring out how to use them.

I finally got around to doing something about that.

I’ve also done that for the Photos app.


Exposure Compensation

The iPhone usually does an impressive job of choosing the right exposure, but it’s not infallible. Occasionally, that image could be a little brighter or darker. You can fix that with Exposure Compensation.

  • Tap anywhere on the screen. (Screen orientation doesn’t matter.)
  • A yellow square with a little sun beside it appears for a few seconds (below).

