The 12 exceptional macOS apps that will turn you into a Productivity Genius

If you’re Barry in Jetpack Joyride, these are your Head Starts (Gamers understand)

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock


Claude AI logo
Source: Claude

macOS — just like pizza base — isn’t cool.

It’s the vegetable slices, cheese, toppings, and pepper that make a boring bread yummy. Similarly, macOS is plain — and it’s the apps that spice-up your work.

If you’re still relying on macOS native features, you’re missing out on your time, mental energy, and productivity.

Here are 12 apps that will be the toppings to your macOS base. I actually use a handful of them everyday — so you can be sure.

Apps included in this article

1 — superwhisper: Use AI to turn voice into text
2 — BoltAI: Write, code, learn with AI
X — Ready to Send: Generate draft email replies
3 — TeaCode: Speed up coding with expanders
4 — Core Shell: Full-featured SSH terminal
5 — Moment: Create countdown events
6 — Noizio: Turn on ambient sounds to focus
7 — Commander One: Two-pane file manager
8 — Forklift: Manage files across servers
9 — Trickster: Quickly access recent files
10 — FilePane: Save time with a file manager
11 — Euclid: Calculate…



Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock

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