The battery saga & the iPhone15 Pro Max

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readFeb 18, 2024


iPhone 15 Pro Max in London’s Picadilly Circus
image: author

Another day another story

It’s been an odd week for me and my iPhone 15 Pro Max.

For me — well I’ve ventured out twice this week! I’m not trying to paint myself as some kind of a hermit but by nature, I am a loner which is why this content creation lark is perfect for me. You get to spend an awful lot of time by yourself writing and editing — but it also breeds this habit of staying put. I realised I’d not ventured too far away from the studio this year, so this week I decided to change that and shake things up a bit.

The days out were centred around content and would heavily lean into my iPhone 15 Pro Max. You’ll know, if you read me regularly that I was thinking of buying the Samsung S24 Ultra. I was vaguely intrigued by it but I was more tempted by it because I needed content!

Then it dawned on me — focus on what I have and what I enjoy most — my iPhone 15 Pro Max.

I mean, having looked at and used Android last year I knew it wasn’t good enough for me to switch — I’m an iPhone user through and through. I also happen to think this iPhone, overall, is about the best I’ve ever used and owned — I’ve been banging the drum for it constantly — so this week after nearly 6 months I decided to put in some yards with it.



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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