Why Apple Should Turn the Page with Its Own E-Readers: The Success of Amazon’s Kindle, The E-Books Market & The Conundrum of iPad-Variants
What Apple Can Learn From Kindle’s Triumphs and Missteps to Redefine the Digital Reading Experience and Create the Ultimate E-Reader
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Over the past few years, my Apple ecosystem has only grown, with devices like the iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV all guaranteeing my entertainment and productivity needs. However, two devices remain outside this Apple circle — my Sony XM3 headphones and my Amazon Kindle.
While the Sony headphones have a direct competitor in Apple’s AirPods Max, the Kindle has no equivalent in the Apple ecosystem. This is what I aim to address today: the world of e-readers, the rise of Kindle, its success, the competition in the e-reader market, and, ultimately, why Apple should step down in this competition.
Kindle: The Success and the Competition
The Entry Barrier to the E-Books Market
The Status Quo of iPad's Hardware
Apple Books: A Work in Progress Long Overdue
The Feasibility of an Apple E-Reader