The Magic Keyboard Finally Makes the iPad a Laptop Replacement

Omar Zahran
Mac O’Clock
Published in
8 min readJul 20, 2020


iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard
Image Credit: Ern Gan via Unsplash

Time is a funny thing. In particular when it comes to products that we consider constants in our lives. When we used to classify cars it was relatively simple: coupe, sedan, SUV, and truck. The needs of a very large consumer base, however, are not so simple. This necessitated the fifth category: crossovers. The crossover appealed to a person that liked the idea of a sedan but wanted something bigger, but not quite an SUV. This redefined the classes of cars to better fit into the modern buyer’s idea of buying a new car. A similar crossroads is happening in the way that we define a computer.

The term computer is something that is very loosely defined as an electronic device used for storing and processing data. But over the last decade companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft have played with the idea of what a computing device should look like and how it should function. Microsoft introduced the idea that a tablet device can replace a laptop with its Surface Pro lineup. Google, has introduced the concept of using a computer to access our files in the cloud as opposed to storing it locally. And Apple has toyed with the premise that an iPad can replace your laptop and make computing an enjoyable experience. This idea has mostly been mocked until recently. Oddly enough, it has been the release of an accessory that has helped to bridge the…



Omar Zahran
Mac O’Clock

Freelance sports writer fascinated by the stories that our favorite teams and athletes present to us