The Tepid visionOS 2 Update Has Two Big Saviours

It was never going to be a big one

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


A black background. On the left is a model wearing Vision Pro 2 and on the right is Mark Ellis with his left hand to his chin, seemingly pondering.
Image courtesy of author

One of the most common questions I’m asked is: “are you still using Vision Pro?”.

My answer used to be: “yep, although I’m only really using it as a companion device for my MacBook Pro “.

Now, my answer has morphed into: “Rarely”.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that, as I type, Vision Pro is still a US-only affair. This is about to change (I’ll get onto that later), but at the moment, I’m unable to fully use my Apple ID within visionOS. I have a US Apple ID that was used to set up the headset, but it’s a faff to continually switch between the two.

The second reason is that Vision Pro remains a rather uncomfortable experience. I don’t want to sound like a broken record about this — although it’s impossible not to if you own Apple’s mixed reality headset. Having spent some time away from the clutches of visionOS, I was dismayed when I returned to it recently for some video editing at home; it felt even heavier and more uncomfortable than before.

However, these are first-generation grumbles. When you get your hands on Vision Pro, you realise how big Apple’s vision (sorry) for spatial computing is. They need to iron out the kinks, but that process will take a long time.



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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