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This is How Epic Wants to Change Your iPhone

Payments, Privacy, & Piracy — What happens to us?

Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readJun 3, 2021


We live in strange times. If you had told me just a year earlier that a 56-year-old district court judge would be saying the words “V-Bucks”, I probably would’ve laughed, yet here we are. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d have heard of Epic Games, makers of Fortnite, very publicly suing Apple.

As of writing, both companies have just concluded a strange but important three-week-long trial. If you’re not caught up, I encourage you to do so. The trial covered a wide range of topics involving anti-trust — and at some point BDSM. I’m not kidding.

In a nutshell, Epic is suing Apple over how its AppStore is run, primarily claiming that Apple is abusing its market power and acting as a monopoly. With emotions running high on both sides of the Zoom courtroom, it helps to take a step back to see how the result of the trial affects us consumers.

While a win from Apple would mean that the iPhone and AppStore largely remain the same, a unanimous victory from Epic would introduce a host of new changes. Putting ourselves in that hypothetical scenario would help us best understand those changes and its corresponding effects — both good and bad.



Calvin Saint John
Mac O’Clock

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