10 Questions People Ask about Apple Developer Academy

Yes, Apple has a school.

Julia Tsoi
Mac O’Clock


Apply Developer Academy, Italy

2018 to 2019 is quite a significant year in my life.

May — Read about the Apple Developer Academy and apply for it

Jun — Flew all the way from Hong Kong to London and had the aptitude test in Apple’s head office

Jul — Had a Skype interview

Aug — Received the offer

Sep — Flew to Italy and kicked start the school

Jul/19 — Back to Hong Kong with a big smile

From time to time, I received questions from people who try to understand my intent, motivation, or take-away during this career break. And I summarised them in the following.

Q1 — What is it?

People typically do not know Apple has a school.

Apple Developer Academy (“ADA”) is at the University of Federico II in Naples, Italy. They invite 400 people around the world for 9 months free course that trains them to develop human-centric apps in iOS systems.



Julia Tsoi
Mac O’Clock

Design Strategist @ Ogilvy | Apple Developer Academy Alumni. Bird without legs and I would always fly high. https://juliatsoi.com/