Top 5 macOS Settings & Features to Make Your Mac Experience Effortlessly Efficient

Enhance the User Experience on your Mac with these five simple settings and features

Aditya Darekar
Mac O’Clock


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No matter how long you have been using a Mac, there are always a few hacks that will always surprise you because of Apple’s intuitive way of designing their products and services. I am not promising you any groundbreaking hacks today but rather just five simple settings and features, as alternatives, you need to take advantage of on your Mac.

The way we use our Macs is very personal and so we tend to just stick to the status quo and let it grow on us even if we don’t like them. But there are logical reasons to changing some of these settings that could help you become more efficient or rather make your daily tasks more effortless than before. In today’s story, I want to share that logic with you and let you decide if those settings are worth changing. Check out the PRO TIP at the end of every setting/feature mentioned for a more nuanced final setup.

Let’s begin!

👉 INDEX 👈 

1. Dock Positioning: To Your Left, Captain!

2. Aliases a.k.a the Allies of your Mac’s SSD

3. Finder Tags and Smart Folders: The Sherlock



Aditya Darekar
Mac O’Clock

23 | IT Graduate | Tech Enthusiast | I love to write about Apple Tech and how I use it for leading a healthier, happier and productive life ⌚️💻📱