Top Features in Apple Notes

The reason why you should start using Apple Note

Kalhara Tennakoon
Mac O’Clock
7 min readDec 23, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In this digital era, we all love to take digital notes instead of the ordinary way we used to. There’re different note-taking apps available in the present day with different features and functionalities. But if you’re using Apple products, you’ve already got the built-in note-taking app on your device which is Apple Notes.

I’m a big fan of Apple Notes and I’ve been using it for more than 4 years. In this post, I’m talking about some of my favourite features in Apple Notes and I hope this information will be useful for you too. So, without getting any further due, let’s get started.

1. Work Across Apple Devices

Apple Notes app is available on all Apple devices including, Mac, MacBook, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Therefore, whenever you buy such a device you will be getting the Apple Notes app on your Apple product. Apple Notes is a built-in app on Apple devices so that you don’t need any additional installation. Also, it is capable of working across other Apple devices once you set your iCloud account.

When you bought & set up a new Apple device, you can right away start creating notes on Apple Notes app and all your notes will be available on other devices too. For instance, you can create a note on your iPhone and edit or update that note on iPad and remove or delete your note on MacBook. The process is that easy and all your actions will be synced up with your other devices.

2. Create Notes using Siri

You can create notes using Siri on your Apple device. To start this, you can ask Siri to “Create a note” or “Take a note”. Then it will ask you, what to include in your note. Then later you can add more content to your note and update it as necessary.

Also, you can update your existing notes using Siri. Suppose you need to add some text to your existing note and then you can ask Siri to add that text to a note. Then Siri will show up the list of available notes and ask you to select the relevant note from that list. Once you pick up the correct note, Siri will add/ append it to that note.

3. Lock Notes

With Apple Notes you’re allowed to lock notes with either a Password or Touch ID or Face ID. Initially, you will be asked to set up a Password for your note and if your iPhone supports Touch ID or Face ID then you will be able to unlock your notes with Touch ID or Face ID. This is really cool feature and it avoids unauthorised access to your data. This’s a much safer way to protect your data but it’s not recommended to keep your sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers even in this way.

Once you set up a lock on Apple Notes, you can enable it for any note. To enable it, first, you need to go inside your note and then click the three dots in the upper right corner and select Lock. Then a padlock 🔓 icon will appear on your note and by clicking it you will be able to lock or unlock your note whenever necessary.

4. Add Notes into Folders

Apple Notes app allow you to create Folders and organize your notes in a proper manner. Suppose you have notes for your school or class. Then you can create a separate folder on Apple Notes and name it as School.

Creating a folder on Apple Notes is pretty much easy. On your MacBook, you will see a “New Folder” icon on the bottom left corner and by clicking it you can create a folder easily. Then you can put all your notes related to School into that folder and organize your work.

5. Share Notes with your Friends

With Apple Notes, you can collaborate with your friends and family. You can create a note and share it with your friends or family to work as a team. All you need to do is, click the three dots in the upper right corner of your note and select “Share note”. You can set Share Options as view only or make changes and share it via Messages or Mail app or else you can use social media to send that invitation.

Once the receiver accepts the invitation, he or she can make changes to your note and work collaboratively. You can change the access mode even after you send the invitation and also you can remove the access and stop sharing whenever you needed. Also, you can share an entire folder with your team and work in a much efficient way.

In addition to sharing notes, you can send a copy of your note to your friend, family member or save it in a cloud server for later use directly via Apple Notes. To send a copy of your note, click the three dots in the upper right corner and select Send a copy. Then you can email it, send it to your friend through a social media app or save it into a cloud server.

6. Add photos using your iPhone/ iPad

This is one of my favourite features in the entire Apple Ecosystem. When we’re working on a Mac or MacBook, this feature is really handy and helpful a lot. Suppose, you’re creating a note for your school using your MacBook and you need to insert one of your sketches or drawings that you drew in the class. Because of this feature, you can directly add your sketch or drawing into your note using your iPhone or iPad.

All you need to do is, click the open Photo browser icon on the upper right corner and select either your iPhone or iPad to upload the sketch. Then via your iPhone or iPad camera, you’ll be able to add your picture directly into your note. This’s really cool feature and it saves a lot of time.

[ you can refer to some of my other favourite features in the Apple ecosystem via the link below.]

7. Pinned Notes

In Apple Notes, you’re allowed to pin 📌 your favourite notes to the top of your list. This feature is really useful when you have a lot of notes and folders inside your Apple Notes app. When you have a lot of notes it’s a bit harder to find the exact note and make changes to it. Therefore, you can pin your favourite or important notes in your Apple Notes for easy and quick access.

Also, you can unpin already pinned notes whenever necessary and you can move your note to a different folder while it’s pinned.

8. Gallery view

Apple Notes app offer you both a list and gallery view for your notes. By default, you will see the list view is selected and you can toggle it whenever necessary on your MacBook, iPhone, iPad or other devices.

Even you set it as the gallery view all your password-protected (Locked) notes will not be visible. Instead of displaying texts or images in these notes, you will be seeing a big padlock.

9. All Attachments in a single Window

You can add images, sketches, drawings and scanned files to your notes and they will make your note more convenient for the viewers and readers. Specially, when you have notes for your school or university, pictures add extra colour to your note. But when you need to search those images and drawings later and if you had to refer to a note at a time, then it would not be an easy task and will consume more time. But in Apple Notes, you can get rid of this problem and view them all in a single window.

On your iPhone, you can view all your attachments in a single window. To view them All you need to do is, click the three dots in the top right corner and select the View Attachments option. Then it will show all the available attachments in a single window and categorise them such as photos and videos, scans, etc.

On your MacBook, to see all attachments in a single window, all you need to do is click the search icon on the top right corner and take the cursor into the text box and select it. Then it will show some suggestions and from that list, you can select Notes with Attachments. Then it will show up all the notes that containing attachments [or else, you can type attachments in the text box and it will perform the same action].

10. Find in Note

This is another cool feature in Apple Notes and this helps you to find texts in notes. On your iPhone, this feature works within notes but on MacBook, you can use this feature to search on all notes.

If there’re multiple search results, this tool will highlight each of them and you can easily keep track of them [this might work differently in different devices, but in this post, I’m just explaining the behaviour of this tool]. Once you found the search result, you can either edit, copy, delete or use it for other purposes.


Congratulations!, you have found out some great features in Apple Notes and I hope this information will be useful for you to perform well in Apple Notes. In addition to these top features, there’re some minor features in Apple Notes too. For instance, even though you use dark mode in your device, you can still use light mode for your notes.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave a response below.

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