USB3 may be ruining your Wifi speed

How having a second monitor may be degrading your wireless network.

Glynn Bird
Mac O’Clock
2 min readApr 24, 2020


I settled down to work one day and found my internet connection painfully slow. I fired up to measure the speed and it was somewhere between 0.5Mbps and 3Mbps.

Later in the day, I found things had improved greatly — I was measuring 25Mbps, which is about as fast as my ADSL connection will go.

What had changed? I had unplugged my computer from its second monitor!

Can having a second monitor degrade your Wifi connection?

Surely plugging in a second monitor couldn’t make a difference to your network speed. I set about measuring internet speeds with and without the second monitor connected:


Sure enough, network speeds were much, much faster without the USB3-HDMI adapter plugged in.

What could possibly be going on?

USB3 and 2.4GHz Wifi don’t play well together

A tip from a colleague alerted me to the fact that some USB3 chipsets can emit electromagnetic interference which can deteriorate 2.4GHz Wifi signals.

I used the Mac’s Wireless Diagnostics tool to record signal quality over time as I disconnected and reconnected the USB3 cable.

Signal Quality vs time. X marks disconnection and reconnection of USB3 cable.

Solving the problem

My Wifi router was set up to have one network id on two frequencies: 2.4GHz & 5GHz. My Mac had chosen to use the 2.4GHz variant and couldn’t be persuaded to switch to the other frequency.

In the end I split the networks to have two different names so that I could force the Mac to use the 5GHz network.

Signal Quality with second monitor connected

The signal quality is now unaffected by the second monitor connection and the network speed is a healthy 27Mbps.

