Using the iPad Pro At Work: Filming Experiments

Carl St. James
Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024


No tripod? A step ladder will do the job

The One Device — In the right hands an iPad Pro can become the ultimate digital Swiss Army knife and I don’t think there are many people that put it through as many uses as me. I work in a construction laboratory in UK higher education and whilst I was granted one to initially use as a budget-friendly LiDAR scanning solution I have since made use of it in every area of my job. I perform a plethora of tasks and need a computer (because it is a computer) that can keep up.

Hear the word laboratory and you will instantly think of experiments. Whilst the equipment and samples we work with in construction are a lot larger than you might imagine the premise of repeated tests and collating results remains the same. In any case alongside written results, visual evidence is often needed to see where things might have gone wrong and to better illustrate to a tutor or client how data was collected. We actually used reruns of the above experiment to see how pressure from the apparatus was bending the forklift!

Collecting visual data is best done in as high a quality as you can get away with. In construction samples the tiniest fractures can result in the end of a test so you need the detail to see them in playback. Because readouts can be as far as a couple of metres away from the apparatus a wide angle lens is a necessity. It is possible of course…



Carl St. James
Mac O’Clock

Tech writer, Lab Technician and Community Photographer. I write about the tech I use for my job and its wider societal impact.