The Real Reason Behind Why Apple Is The Most Innovative Company in The World…

The difference between innovation and inventiveness

Bruce Ironhardt
Mac O’Clock


Business Insider

The other day I had mentioned to one of my friends that I thought Apple was one of the most innovative companies on the planet.

He turned to me and said “You know they haven’t ever invented anything right? How is Apple innovative in any way when all they do is take what’s there and resell it in a nice looking package?”

I thought about what he said and I couldn’t really disagree.

Technically speaking most of the technology that Apple produced existed before Apple ever turned them into a product. And I’m sure they’ve invented many minor parts, of course, they have like thousands of patents, but as far as the core product goes, they’ve never really made an ‘original’ product. Or have they?

So I got to Googling and it turns out that the terms “invention” and “innovative” get mixed up by people like me and my friend all the time.

The best explanation I found on the difference comes from this clip from MIT’s OpenCourseWare.

The TLDR though is that invention is the creation of something new. This can be a new idea, methodology, process, and of course some new patent.

