Why Apple won’t Ditch Face ID

Nick Mastis
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readApr 19, 2021


If not now… when?

Image via [ https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208109 ]

I’m seriously considering getting an iPhone for a long time now.

But, one of the things that stops me from doing so is the persistence of the brand to keep that huge notch to the top of the screen.

I get why so many people don’t seem to care about it, but unfortunately I do.
And I can’t seem to get used to it by any means.

And here’s why Apple won’t get rid of Face ID any time soon:

1. Apple is Always Right

Photo by Md Mahdi on Unsplash

Well, right? Not quite so.

This huge brand knows exactly what needs to be done so, in order for us to think that way.

And that’s exactly what’s been happening with the Face ID for quite a while now.

Apple is aware that it takes up significant amount of screen space and even more so in smaller models like the iPhone 12 mini.

However, Apple is not the type of brand that would easily give up on a project like this in order to just ‘’go with the flow’’.



Nick Mastis
Mac O’Clock

I am a Teacher and a life enthusiast. Purpose of this thing is to live happier and to our true potential.