Why I ditched the iPhone (again)

Alex Gear & Tech Reviews
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readJun 24, 2024

Life after switching to Android — not as easy as I thought!

The iPhone has always been an iconic device in the tech world. Although I’m no longer using it as my main device, it still holds a special place in my heart. But…

Is it time to finally let it go?

Well, at least until the new one comes out! (Who am I kidding?)

Why I Made the Switch to Android

In 2023, I made the switch to an Android phone. Why? Mainly because I was bored after about 15 years of primarily using iPhones, and I wanted to see what was out there.

It took me a while to get used to it but the functionalities available on Android just suit me better right now.

It’s still an incredible piece of technology — Image courtesy of the author.

Have you ever found yourself wondering if the grass is greener on the other side? That’s exactly what happened to me with the announcement of iOS 18. I thought, should I give the iPhone another go? Will these fancy AI features be enough to keep me using iPhones in the future?

My Experience with Android

While this transition to Android hasn’t been without its challenges, it has opened up a world of possibilities in my workflow that I just couldn’t get with the iPhone. There are dozens of videos on my channel about this switch, but the bottom line is:

My choice to use Android doesn’t make the iPhone a bad device. It’s still a fantastic phone in many areas.

I really tried! but it fell short for me. Could the 16 Pro range change that? Image courtesy of the author.

The Struggles of Switching

Have I been 100% satisfied with the switch to Android?

Honestly, not entirely!

There are things on a daily basis that still annoy me when using Android phones, especially because I still use a Mac. The MacBook Pro is my main creative computer, and that’s not changing anytime soon.

These annoyances are just ‘tradeoffs’ for me. I’m getting a lot more functionality from Android phones and with my tablet, while giving away some of the benefits of being in the Apple ecosystem.

It’s difficult to go back to a full Apple ecosystem because of how much functionality I would be giving up.

Do you ever find yourself in that situation? Where you want to try a new device but you don’t want to lose the benefits of the ecosystem?

iOS 18 new features — Image courtesy of the author. Source: Apple.com

The iPhone’s Camera: A Strong Point

If you are considering an iPhone now, this might not be the best time to buy the iPhone 15 range, because a new phone is about 3 months away. But if you came across a good upgrade deal, this review could still help you.

There are many great things about the iPhone, even though I’m giving mine away to my wife. The best thing about the iPhone 15 Pro Max, for me, has been the camera. Let me show you what I mean.

The iPhone was the most intuitive in this situation, ensuring good exposure. Image courtesy of the author.

iPhone’s Battery Life: A Mixed Bag 🪫

As you can see from my battery usage, it’s probably a third of the cycles a 9-month iPhone should have. When one of the apps I use most is Chess, it tells you everything you need to know. The battery hasn’t been great. The few times I pushed it, it lasted all day, but it wasn’t as good as my S23 Ultra or the Xperia 1 VI, which lasts over 2 days.

Image courtesy of the author.

Social Media Performance: A Crucial Factor

For me, letting go of the iPhone because of Instagram was a bit of a gamble. Instagram on iOS works WAY more fluidly. It’s not perfect, but it feels like a much better experience. If you run a business and Instagram is one of your marketing channels, this can be a big deal.

Performance and Usability

Performance-wise, I can’t complain about the iPhone being sluggish. However, the animations feel slow compared to Android. Typing on the iPhone feels slow, like it’s always trying to catch up with your typing. Gaming on it has been great though, even if it gets pretty hot during short sessions.

iOS 17 Features: A shortlived excitement

The Action Button was one of the new features I was excited to try out. I spent hours creating Siri shortcuts and automations, but in the end, I used it less than three times in six months.

The animations on iOS are lovely, but they can slow your flow. Even typing on the iPhone can feel sluggish.

I am hoping iOS 18 will change this, but iOS still feels a little tired now — Image courtesy of the author.

Looking Forward to the iPhone 16

I know some might say, “You’re ditching the iPhone but will get the new one in 3 months.” And I’d agree with that. I see it as my job to look at different options to share a balanced review in my videos. But on a personal level, am I excited about new iPhones as much as other devices? Honestly, no.

Apple is likely to make the iPhone even more the center of its ecosystem with new AI features, but not necessarily innovate it. We’re going to get slightly thinner bezels, WiFi 7, a new battery, a 48MP camera, and a new chipset. Oh, and we’re getting a shutter button. Will that be enough to bring me back to Apple? They keep trying, but as of now, they’re failing.

I really think having competition is good for consumers — there are some great options out there. Image courtesy of the author

Where do we go from here?

Switching from iPhone to Android has been a crazy journey filled with ups and downs. The iPhone remains a fantastic device, but for my needs right now, Android offers more.

However, I’m always open to change and look forward to reviewing future iPhones. After all, the tech world is always evolving, and so are our needs and preferences. I genuinely would love to know:

Are you considering a switch yourself, whether from Apple to Android or vice-versa?

