Writing Great iOS Accessibility Labels

Rob Whitaker
Mac O’Clock
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2020


A good accessibility label lets your customer know exactly what a control does in as few words as possible, without having to rely on implied context.

Don’t Add the Element Type

iOS already knows your button is a button and your image is an image, it does this using an accessibility trait. If you label your button as ‘Play button’ your VoiceOver customers will hear ‘Play button. Button.’

Keep it Succinct

Don’t frustrate your customer by adding too much information to your labels. There’s no need to describe photos in detail for example, just let people know what the subject of the photo is. Take another look at the Spotify example from the post on when to use accessibility labels. Here our customer knows they’re on the player screen for Beyoncé’s ‘Pray You Catch Me’, so none of the labels include the name of the track. The pause button doesn’t say ‘Pause Pray You Catch Me by Beyoncé’, but simply ‘pause’. Use a single word wherever you can.

Play controls for Spotify showing accessibility labels

Capitalise the First Character

This allows VoiceOver to read the label with the correct inflection.

Don’t End with a Period



Rob Whitaker
Mac O’Clock

iOS Engineer at Capital One. Author, Developing Inclusive Mobile Apps, Apress. https://amzn.to/3aNRQ6d