WWDC ’24 — don’t hold your breath

Are we expecting too much?

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


WWDC 2024 event artwork
image: MacRumors

WWDC is always a date for the diary for us Apple fans — and this year’s bun-fight is no exception.

The week-long summer conference always receives a lot of attention in the weeks and months leading up to it, but this year the looming event seems to have caused even more of a stir. It’s rare for Apple execs to ever give much away about what we might expect from them, but this year even the top dog, Tim Cook has broken rank & spoken openly about how excited he is at what’s in store for us at WWDC.

Of course, the buzz is all over one thing — AI. WWDC this year is supposed to be the moment that Apple joins the party and drops a feast of AI-powered apps and features on us. The iPad Pro I have just bought was marketed as being the first device aimed at being AI-ready. iPad owners have their hopes set on something major happening with iPadOS — something that will truly harness the power of the M4 silicon the latest iPad Pros are now packing.

I have my reservations though — is the bar of expectation set too high? Are we expecting too much from next Monday’s keynote speech?

Will WWDC deliver?

For whatever reason Apple has seemingly been caught napping over AI — which is odd for several reasons.



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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