You’re Underutilizing Mac Dock (Five Amazing Tricks!)

Improve your productivity and impress your friends with these tricks

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
6 min readFeb 24, 2023


Mac dock
Image by the author
Pre-Note: To revert back any Terminal command that has TRUE in it, use the same command again by replacing TRUE with FALSE.

#1. Add dock spacers

If you’ve got loads of apps on the dock, visually separating them into groups of similar apps can be useful.

To do that,

  • Open Terminal,
  • use defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'; killall Dock .

Now, a space pops up on your dock. Drag it across the dock to separate one set of apps.

Keep repeating the command to create more spaces and segregate more groups.

To remove a space: Use right-click < Remove from Dock (just as you do for an app).

#2. Use Dock with keyboard

If you’re a productivity freak who hates leaving the keyboard and using mouse or trackpad, you’ll love this.

  • Use fn + ⌃ + F3 to trigger dock,
  • Use or arrows to move across icons,
  • Hit return to open an app.

