Drive Mapper script for Mac

Gilbert J Palau
Enterprise macOS
Published in
1 min readApr 17, 2018

The Mothership wanted an easy way to drive Public / Group and Home drives on our Mac computers. I found a Drive Mapper script for Mac, made originally by Ben Toms from MacMule. His AppleScript also allowed you to map printer shares in addition to Map drives. With his permission I ripped his script apart, removed the printer mapping and made it slimmer. The other big change I did for it was that instead of using AD Groups to find the hooks for all the shares, it uses the ADHome itself.

Copy the above to Script Editor modify to your needs, save as an application and push to /Applications, then use the LaunchAgent plist below to add to /Library/LaunchAgents to run at load:



Gilbert J Palau
Enterprise macOS

macOS Wizard at computer on wheels car company, High Cleric of Nano, Curator of Fine Coffee, Destroyer of Tacos, Scourge of Crafted Beer.