Macro Hackathons: NFT Finance Edition Recap & Winner Showcase

Nichanan Kesonpat
Macro Hackathons
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2022

Last week we wrapped up Macro Hackathons: NFT Finance. The hackathon lasted 2 weeks featuring protocol and smart contract workshops and AMAs from industry mentors.

Thank you to all builders, sponsors, judges, and mentors who participated in this first edition. We’ve received some amazing submissions and are proud to showcase winning projects in this article. All submissions can be viewed here.

Hackathon Winners

We had lots of high quality submissions for the hackathon and would like to say a huge congratulations to the winners!

🥇 PepeFi — 12000 USDC

Pepefi allows lenders to take a loan on an NFT or an NFTFi loan through a vault whose creators determine APR, LTV and supported collections during inception. PepeFi provides unliquidatable liquidity to NFTFi Lenders and ERC721 holders helping to make NFT Financialization happen while exposing LPs to lucrative returns in a decentralized manner.

Website | Video | Deck | Code

🥈 NFT Options Protocol — 8000 USDC

NFT options protocol R&D, development of an NFT options marketplace agent-based model, creation of an architecture guide for a new NFTfi option agreement type, and design of NFTfi Options Protocol UI/UX mockups.

Video | Deck | Code

🥉 Granular AMM — 5000 USDC

Granular is a desirability-ranked subpool NFT amm. NFTs are categorised into subpools depending on how desirable they are relative to the rest of the collection. When a user buys, sells, or LP’s an NFT into the pool, the trade is automatically routed to it’s respective subpool. This unlocks the trading of non-floor NFT assets within a pooled AMM context. It also unlocks the ability to have onchain oracles for both floor and non-floor NFTs.

Video | Deck | Code


Thank you to all sponsors NFTfi, NFTbank, Ronin Network, Goblin Sax, nftperp, sudoswap, Decentral Games, and Charged Particles for supporting this first edition and helping push the boundaries of NFT Finance. Bounties can be viewed here.

Bounty Winners

Our sponsors had some awesome integrations extensions to their protocol with submissions to their bounties.


  • SudoParty — 3000 USDC

A Sudoswap-native protocol for groups to buy and sell NFT’s!
SudoParty fractional tokens are minted at a rate of [lowest decimal point] to [lowest decimal point spent on purchase], and token holders can vote on how to re-list or withdraw their NFTs.

Video | Deck | Code

  • xyz curve on Sudoswap — 1000 UDSC

This is an extension of the existing sudoswap bonding curves. It allows for a uniswap V2 style pool to be used instead of a linear/exponential pool. The pool’s bonding curve follows the xyk invariant.


Goblin Sax

  • Goblin Sax SDK — 2500 USDC

SDK for integrating goblin with front ends.



  • PepeFi — 3500 USDC
  • NFT Options Protocol — 3500 USDC


  • Sudoswap Explorer — 4000 USDC

Dashboard for visualizing sudoswap trading activities, including wash trading indicators and corresponding NFTBank predictions.

Deck | Demo | Code

Judges & Judging Criteria

We would like to thank all 12 judges for reviewing hackathon submissions.

Stephen Young (NFTfi) — Nichanan Kesonpat (1kx) — Robert Koschig (Risk DAO) — Jen Kim (NFT Bank) — Shawn Dimantha (Kernel DeFi Guild) — David Choi (Metastreet) — Darius Kozlovski (Drops DAO) — Nick Vale (reNFT) — 0xmons (sudoswap) — Medici (Abacus) — Tim Khoury, (DCG) — Abhi & Dragan (Macro DAO)

We took a page out of ETH Berlin’s hackathon judging playbook and had our judges evaluate submissions using the criteria below.


  • Is the idea proposed something that hasn’t been explored enough and deserves more attention? Are we witnessing the birth of a completely new NFT Finance primitive or novel way to leverage an existing protocol?


  • Does this submission have the potential to be impactful for the web3 ecosystem? Does it have the potential to disrupt existing economies?


  • Does the submission work and function as expected? Is it technically challenging? Is the produced code of high quality? Are they following best practices for smart contract design? Does it have obvious security vulnerabilities?

Wow! Factor

  • Has this project defied expectations? e.g. an extraordinary job producing code with just a few team members, scope of the project was more ambitious than for a hackathon yet it was still delivered.

For the general hackathon prizes, each judge was given their own individual scorecards to prevent influence from other judge’s scores, and the list of submissions are randomised to prevent primacy and recency bias (the tendency for us to only remember the first and last things we see).

About Macro Hackathons

Macro Hackathons is an initiative by 1kx and Macro DAO with the goal to bring together a community of builders to innovate on emerging web3 verticals. Starting with NFT Finance, we hope this hackathon series could seed some of the most impactful projects and primitives in the space.

What’s next?

Congratulations to all! Stay tuned for announcements on the next edition of Macro Hackathons. Planning for this is already underway 👀

👉🏼 Stay tuned for more announcements on Twitter 👈🏼



Nichanan Kesonpat
Macro Hackathons

Platform & Content @1kxnetwork | Co-Founder @lastofours | Smart Contracts @upstate-interactive | 🏠.