Tired of using Microsoft’s PowerPoint for in-class presentations?

Try using the Obsidian App instead — a markdown text editor

Stance Hurst, PhD
Macs in Research


Photo by Alex Litvin on Unsplash

Formatting slides in Microsoft’s PowerPoint or Apple’s Keynote presentation software for each lesson or class can take a lot of time to make them look good, and can distract from the main point of teaching — the content. If you are like me, I like my presentations to really stand out, and I often overfocus on design rather than content. To focus on what really matters, the content, I tried an experiment using the Obsidian App with presenting material in my class. A writing tool like Obsidian maybe a better tool for you to use to save time and to not get distracted by formatting and the bells-and-whistles of slick slide animations.

The Obsidian App is a free to use Markdown text editor that has been gaining traction among users for its ability to backlink notes together to form a second brain of interrelated information for keeping track of and generating new ideas through wiki style connections. You can install Obsidian on a Mac, Linux, or Windows machine, and the developers are currently working on mobile versions. Users can add-on the ability to sync their notes across computers and publish their notes to the web through a small subscription fee that helps support the app’s development.



Stance Hurst, PhD
Macs in Research

I am an archaeologist at the Lubbock Lake Landmark and Graduate Faculty at Texas Tech University. Passionate about archaeology, cycling, and Apple technology.