Okay So Bette and Dani Aren’t Gonna Bang, Got It

mad dyke mag
Mad Dyke
Published in
7 min readJan 9, 2020


Setting some new lesbian world record, Shane sleeps with her ex-wife mere hours after signing divorce papers. Then, while having sex again in the morning, Quiara says she regrets filing for divorce (which she did just days ago) and that she’s pregnant! (We all didn’t see that coming…..) I feel like Quiara clearly doesn’t know what she wants and jumping back into a marriage she just ended probably isn’t the best thing for her right now, just sayin.

Like every other couple on this show, Shane and Quiara have no chemistry and the dialogue between them is almost non-existent. They say “I miss you” upwards of a dozen times, but it’s difficult to figure out what exactly it is they miss about each other, other than all the banging. Quiara says she still wants to be with Shane, despite the fact that Shane doesn’t want children. Basically she wants Shane to be emotionally distant from her child, while remaining very much physically present? Neat!

Meanwhile, Alice and Nat are trying to piece together the threesome they had at Shane’s birthday party. Gigi, Nat’s ex-wife, is still in bed with them, so we can assume the threesome-ing continued after they got a piece of cake. Alice is all about group bangs with Gigi, while Nat is, understandably, slightly more apprehensive. But they don’t really have time to get into it because it’s a weekday and…

