Woman Criticized For ‘Masculine’ Appearance After Winning Literal Gold Medal

mad dyke mag
Mad Dyke
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2021


After four-time Chinese Olympian Gong Lijiao won the Gold Medal for her country in the women’s shot-put competition, she was asked by reporters: “You used to be a masculine woman for the sake of shot-put. But moving forward, can you be yourself?”

I wonder if they asked Michael Phelps if he’ll ever not look like the asparagus from VeggieTales? Or Shaun White if he plans on ever not looking like a mildly more fuckable Carrot Top? When will they go back to being themselves I wonder???????

Orr maybe it’s just women whose appearance is mercilessly ripped apart no matter how many accolades they get? Looks like it is.

During an interview following her gold medal win, a sports correspondent referred to Lijiao as a “nuhanzi” (女汉子 nǚhànzǐ), a Chinese term that translates to “masculine woman.” A visibly uncomfortable Lijiao responded, “I might look like a manly woman from [the] outside, but I still feel like a little girl inside.”

Not being able to take a fucking hint, the reporter followed up with, “You used to be a masculine woman for the sake of shot-put. But moving forward, can you be yourself?” Lijiao replied, “It really depends on my future plan. If I eventually quit shot-put, then I will probably lose some weight, get married, and have…



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