We need your help!

As you know it, we are going to GDC 2020 this year, we are also sharing the trip with two other projects of our school and we need your help!

Who? Why? How many?

As a result, we’re a group of 14 students, whose 3 alternate controller projects have been selected to attend the Alt.Ctrl.GDC exposition. It is part of the larger Game Developer’s Conference (GDC), an annual meeting of games industry professionals. It’s a great opportunity for us, and we’re honored to attend such a unique event!

But we need your help: the total cost for our groups (14 people) going to San Francisco is around 9000€ — taking into account some financial help from our school, and what we all could reasonably contribute within our financial constraints, we were left with around 2000€ to raise.

We’ve currently made up the difference from our own pockets, but hope to soften the financial blow thanks to your support!

Where can you contribute?

Here is the link to the crowdfunding:

Even the smallest tip is welcome and will be greatly appreciated!

What do you receive in exchange?

In exchange, it would be a pleasure for us to upload daily vlogs from our San Francisco adventure, so that you can get a taste of our experience there!

And for now, from the MAD team, here is a sneak peak of our latest version. We hope you will enjoy its look and thank you again for following us in this incredible adventure!

Our latest version … more to come!

Follow us!

We are present on multiple social platforms where we sill share our progress over the course of the next weeks.
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/MAD_AltCtrl
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MAD-Mutually-Assisted-Destruction-106725224137788/

