[Attention] Call for submissions

Publish your stories with Mad Semicolon

Dheeraj Mahra
Mad Semicolon
2 min readJun 21, 2021


Photo by Panos Sakalakis on Unsplash

Hey there! We are happy to announce that we have started a dedicated publication for Mad Semicolon. And in this new start, we are inviting you to take part in this journey and grow with us.

What is Mad Semicolon?

Mad Semicolon is a space in the web for frontend-related stuff and everything web. It was started randomly to document day-to-day learning related to web development.

How to publish with us?

If you are interested to submit and publish your medium blog with us, send us a message on any social platform listed below —

We will review your article and once it is approved, we will publish it to our publication.

Stories we are considering currently

Currently, we are more focused on frontend articles for our publication. But, we are not restricted to the frontend only. You can submit anything related to the web — backend, browsers, cloud, etc.

Examples —

  • How-to articles
  • Project-related blogs and writings
  • Code structuring and organization
  • Code optimizations
  • Web performance
  • Frontend interviews
  • Trying different web frameworks, libraries, packages, etc.

The list is endless. Anything web works!

Why should you publish with us?

Sharing and marketing your work is as equally important as learning it.

Publishing your articles with us will help you to get an audience and reach which will eventually help you to create networks and connections with like-minded people.

Let’s learn together and contribute to the community



Dheeraj Mahra
Mad Semicolon

I’m currently working as a Software Engineer — Frontend at Cars24India, building e-commerce experiences for automobiles.