Get your Articles published on MAG

Your article may not be published if you do not read these guidelines and policies for writers who wish to contribute to Mad About Growth (MAG).

Sanskriti Rao
3 min readMar 8, 2019


About MAG

MadAboutGrowth aims to become the talk of the town for growth professionals who are simply put “mad about growth.” While we eat, sleep and talk growth our aim would be to document our learning and let others in our community learn along with us.

We are always looking for new and insightful pieces to publish for our readers to enjoy. In order to ensure the quality of our content, we have guidelines and policies that all contributing writers must abide by.

Submission Guidelines

Failing to follow these guidelines will result in rejection of your submissions.

Valid Topics

Your article must be focused on all things related to business growth. It could include the following topics:

  • Growth Marketing/Hacking
  • Content marketing
  • Marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Paid Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Sales Strategies
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Strategies for market entry

What to Avoid?

  • Stock photography: instead of using cheap stock images, try giving your story some love by picking a beautiful, free picture from Unsplash.
  • Listicles and clickbait headlines: e.g “These 5 things will make you insanely successful”.
  • Already-published stories: Medium’s algorithm favours ‘fresh’ stories. This means it will list articles by the date they were originally published — not in the order we accept them. In the interest of getting your story as much visibility as possible, please submit unpublished drafts only :)

Article Layout

Your article must have the following:

  • Header image must be placed at top of the article either before or after the title.
  • Your articles must have at least 3 of the 5 possible tags. It’s best to use all five tags.
  • At least one tag must include “Marketing”

Article Content

  • Articles must be in full — no summaries that link to full external articles
  • No blatant self-promotion. However, you may plug your company or links where they add value to the reader.

Publication’s Rights

  • We reserve the right to unlist any article published in MAG should it infringe on the well being of another individual without notice to the author.


  • Once a story has been accepted and published by the MAG on Medium we ask that it remain in our publication. We will cease to accept articles from people who habitually remove stories from our publication.
  • Writers who routinely fail to abide by our guidelines and policies will be removed from the publication and banned indefinitely.
  • While we prefer drafts that are not yet published because it allows us to publish at times we know will give your work more exposure, we DO NOT ACCEPT already articles that are published elsewhere.

How to Submit Articles to MadAboutGrowth

If you’re not a writer with MAG please fill the form below.

If you’re already a writer with MAG

To submit your story to MAG, go to your draft, click the 3 dot menu (…) choose “Add to Publication”, then choose MadAboutGrowth

Timeline for Publishing

After submitting, please allow up to 3 days for your work to be reviewed and added to MAG. While we usually publish submissions within a day, we sometimes get backed up for many reasons.



