Rich Madaleno’s Statement
on the Coming Storm Against Women’s Healthcare

Rich Madaleno
Madaleno for Maryland
2 min readMay 18, 2018

Other candidates might talk about their ideas and outrage —
Rich Madaleno is the only one who has effectively protected Maryland women’s healthcare under Trump

KENSINGTON, Md. — As the nation hears about the threat from Washington of the potential loss of federal funding for women’s comprehensive healthcare providers unless they stop providing, discussing, or referring patients to abortion care, Rich Madaleno, Maryland State Senator and gubernatorial candidate, gave the following statement:

“I am proud of my continued fight to protect Maryland women’s health since Day One of the Trump Administration,” Madaleno said. “Thanks to my leadership in the Maryland General Assembly, we were the first in the nation to pass a law to protect Planned Parenthood and other providers’ funding shortly after Trump’s inauguration. The law I authored and championed requires Maryland to cover reproductive and women’s healthcare costs that would be eliminated if Washington Republicans get their way: I knew such a threat would come about under the Trump/Pence Administration, so I pushed Maryland to be pro-active on this issue. In times like these, we need to step up and act to protect the daily rights and freedoms we take for granted in our state, and in our country.”

Diana Philip, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Maryland — which has endorsed Rich Madaleno’s gubernatorial campaign — stated: “It is increasingly clear how vigilant we must be in maintaining our pro-choice majority in both chambers in our statehouse. Keeping our Maryland laws strong is vital to surviving the Trump/Pence era, and we can do that by ensuring that our leadership in Annapolis has a comprehensive understanding of the seriousness of these issues and how best to protect our reproductive freedom”.

It is understood that the coming decision from the Trump Administration not only jeopardizes Planned Parenthood, but any family planning clinic. This is not just a threat to women’s choice: it is a threat to women’s health and basic human rights.

In this crucial time, the protection Marylanders will obtain from Madaleno’s law is yet another example of Senator Madaleno’s vision and forethought, and the proven results it secures.

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Rich Madaleno has served Montgomery County for 16 years in the Maryland General Assembly. He is an expert on budget issues, serving as Vice-Chair of the Budget and Taxation Committee. Additionally, Rich has been a leader in passing legislation on key progressive issues like marriage equality, ensuring funding for Planned Parenthood, investing in education, gender identity anti-discrimination, and protecting the environment.

BY AUTHORITY: Marylanders for Madaleno-Jenkins. Linda Eisenstadt, Treasurer.



Rich Madaleno
Madaleno for Maryland

Maryland State Senator. Running for Governor of Maryland. Legally Recognized Husband. 2 kids. Caps fan. Marylanders for Madaleno; L. Eisenstadt, Treasurer.