€ 500,000 Community Bounty Campaign

Launching the 10% MADANA PAX (MDN) Commission and Referral Program

Eugen Salkutzan
4 min readOct 17, 2018


With the release of our Community Hub Beta, we open our special bounty campaign and our MADANA PAX (MDN) Token Sale commission to our community. We want our community to be rewarded for being so supportive and dedicated. Therefore, we came up with something extraordinary, fun and easy to understand.

MADANA is offering a total of around € 500,000 Euro worth of our MADANA PAX (MDN) in this campaign and it lasts until the end of the Main Sale. Everyone can join, as you simply need to enter the Community Hub and collect points!

Community Hub

The Community Hub is meant to be a place where our community can gather, find everything it needs to know about the development and status of MADANA and most importantly actively engage in the success of this monumental endeavor of ours. Currently, it is a work in progress and will be regularly expanded and patched with new features that will make it even easier and fun to help MADANA and win attractive prizes along the way. To find out more about the Comunity Hub head on over to our CTO’s recent blog post: Welcome to the Community Hub Beta

Community Campaign

After the Main Sale has concluded a total of 503,300 MADANA PAX (MDN) will be distributed to the Top 10,000 Community Hub Members while the #1 ranking member will be able to win 50,000 MADANA PAX (MDN). 1 MDN = 1 Euro (Main Sale price). You can work your way up the ranking ladder by collecting so-called Community Points (CP), these will be granted to you for doing all sort of things in the near future but at the moment mainly by interacting with our social media channels and sharing your referral link to make people aware of the Community Hub and our ongoing Token Sale. You can check the possible prizes for each rank in the list above.

If multiple users share the same rank (having the same amount of CP as the highest-ranked user with same CP amount) then the available reward for the specific rank class will be distributed evenly among all claimers including those who share the same rank.

Social Media

In the Community Hub, you are able to connect your social media accounts to have a clear overview of every like and share you have given to the official MADANA channels. For every interaction, you will receive Community Points (CP). At the moment only Twitter is available, but it will be expanded with Facebook and Telegram soon. Collecting these points is essential in achieving a high rank. Keep in mind it is indeed a competitive campaign.

Referral Links

After signing up to the Community Hub you will receive an email containing two very important referral links. One is the Community Hub referral link, with which you can invite people to the community hub and the other one is the Token Sale referral, inviting people to our Token Sale. For successfully leading people to sign up to the Community Hub or to participate in our Token Sale you will receive a larger amount of Community Points (CP) — for Token Sale Participants obviously more than the Community Hub sign-ups. Additionally, the personalized referral link you get can also be used later on.

Token Sale Commission

By referring people to our Token Sale, you don’t just receive CP, we will also provide you an incredible commission of 10% for every investment you bring. Once we recognize an investment from your referral, you will get a 10% commission of the purchased MADANA PAX (MDN) after the Main Sale has concluded.


After reaching a certain threshold you can earn a special achievement. These achievements become harder to obtain the further you get along the road but in turn, will reward you with a huge amount of Community Points (CP) once activated. Achievements can have additional benefits in the future so it is always beneficial to have them sooner rather than later. An example of this would be the “Early Supporter” achievement which is special in its own right since it will only be obtainable for a certain amount of time, in our case the Pre-Sale, after which the achievement will become unattainable.

— Join the Community Hub Today! —

If you would like to keep track of our progress and stay up to date:

Join the MADANA Community

Community Hub: https://communityhub.madana.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/madana_hq
Telegram: https://t.me/madanaofficial
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MADANA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/madana.io
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/madana.io


The Community Hub is a work in progress and all features, mechanics and functions can change or be expanded on overtime. MADANA reserves the right to change, add or delete all claims made in relation to the Community Hub for balancing and legal reasons. It is not allowed to take advantages of bugs and/or any other loophole found in the community hub or the community campaign. This includes using your own referral link to contribute in the Token Sale. MADANA reserves the right to exclude malicious participants from the community campaign without warning.

EDIT 10/17/2018 16:39: Expanded Disclaimer by one additional point.

EDIT 12/15/2019 23:51: Updated names and symbols.



Eugen Salkutzan

Community Manager at MADANA and Blockchain Enthusiast.