Community Hub 0.1.1

Jean-Fabian Wenisch
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2018


Hello there!

Within the last 2 weeks, we took care of a lot of nasty bugs that still have been present in the first deployed version of the Community Hub Beta.

A substantial part of the work has gone into the stabilization of the session-handling but we also took care of some other unpleasantries.

Me, while fixing the Twitter verification and finding out that there are some bugs in the session handling.

Let’s dive right into the changes for v0.1.1

Stories & Tasks:

As a User, I want to be able to change my password and E-mail

On the Settings Page, you are now able to change your password and your E-Mail Address. The change Password functionality currently only works by receiving a password-reset-token via E-Mail. This will be improved oncewe have implemented an alternative way to secure your account.

As a User, I want to be redirected to the homepage when I type the main URL “”

To avoid you from having to log in all over again when closing the Community Hub Window, you will now be automatically redirected to the homepage when you still have an active session. As long as you don’t close your browser or the session idles out, you will always be redirect, which should be much more comfortable.

As a User, I want to have an alternative way to verify my Twitter account

When initially launching the Community Hub a lot of users encountered a problem which led to the users not being able to verify their account and therefore not being able to participate in all of the bounty features. While the deployed Hotfix should have fixed the error (the error was related to different timestamps from the client and server, dependent from where you connected to the Community Hub, we also introduced an alternative method. You can now also verify your account by sending a private message starting with “CH:” directly followed by your Community Hub Username to the official MADANA Twitter Account.

Reduced Ranking Schedule

A lot of users complained about wrong rankings that are displayed. While we are currently still hardening the infrastructure we don’t support an always up to date ranking but we drastically decreased the update schedule from 120 min to 15 min. Besides that, with one of the earlier Hotfixes, we implemented a notification which tells you when the ranking has been updated the last time.

The E-mail address of newly created accounts must be validated

To validate if a user really has access to a stated E-Mail address, the welcome mail now inherits an activation link which has to be clicked before the account is fully activated. This also relates to the referral program for inviting new friends — the CP for a referral will only be rewarded if the activation link has been clicked.

As a user, I want to have an introduction slider before creating an account

When visiting the Signup page on the Community Hub, an Introduction Slider is now shown. While we are still completing the Documentation, this slider should give new users a quick intro about the main functionality.


  • Fixed several problems which have been related to the Session Handling and led to showing blank pages and or having the user sign in all over again for multiple times.
  • Fixed an error that led to users not being able to verify their Twitter Account via OAuth.
  • Fixed an error that led to that only the users who verified their Twitter account have been shown in the ranking.
  • Fixed an error that led to that no Tweets have been shown on the Twitter Bounty page. Now the latest 30 posts by MADANA_HQ are always shown
  • Fixed an error that led to that the Bounty Referral & Early Supporter Achievement couldn’t been granted automatically
  • Fixed an error in the Welcome Mail: The referral Links have been malformed so that you needed to log in to the Community Hub to get the working link
  • Fixed description for referral links and reward in the related bounty section.
  • Fixed an error that led to that the “Updates News” button on the Homepage wasn’t working or redirected to the wrong page.
  • Fixed an error that led to that the “Report a Bug” button on the Homepage wasn’t working.


As a user I want the “Angel” achievement to be activated when I register with my Pre-Sale email to the community hub

Because all of your information related to the Pre-Sale is completely separated from the data in the Community Hub, there is currently no automated way to grant the Angel achievement. We therefore manually synchronized the angel achievement related data on the 1st of November. All referrals for Investments in the CommunityHub will be synchronized at a later stage.

Improved Loading Time for Twitter Bounty page

Setup a public status page for MADANA related Products

Transparency is key and therefore we set up our status page which lets you see in real-time information about incidents and scheduled maintenance.

The MADANA Status page is now accessible at

You can also subscribe for updates so you can get notifications for our products.

To give you an overview what’s going on, we also included the statuspage widget into the Community Hub

At this point once again shout-out to Euda, Vhorta, Robert, Philipp, Cryptoman58 , soni and everyone else who reported bugs, and helped us to improve the current beta.

If you have any feedback or encounter a bug, feel free to use the buttons in the menu. We are happy to hear from you!

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