Community Hub 0.1.2

Jean-Fabian Wenisch
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2018


In this release, we focused on increasing the stability of the Community Hub, implementing security features and overall increasing the performance of the service.

Stories & Tasks:

As a user I want my rank to be instantly updated when checking the ranking page / as a user I want to switch faster between different Hub sections

Due to the fact that we put a lot of time into improving relevant SQL statements in the backend, we were able to improve the performance of several requests by up to 1000x. While in previous releases the aggregation of the ranking took around 1,6 minutes we could speed it up to 100 ms which enables us to serve every client with an real time date ranking on request, instead of the previously scheduled mechanism.

As Developer, I need to secure the login/register pages with a captcha.

You now get notified by the label on the bottom right of the landing pages, we integrated Google reCaptcha v3 to protect the Community Hub from Bots.

While the newest version of the reCaptcha enables us to identify and block bots from accessing the Community Hub, you won’t get interrupted by annoying picture puzzles. We tested this feature with several browsers, including the TOR Browser, and add-ons which protect your privacy and were not able to detect any problems. If you come to see the message that “We could not verify that u are human” please come back later after visiting other pages. While we use this Google service to protect us from bots, we don’t send your IP Address to Google.

As Developer, I need to implement a mechanism to stop users from trying to brute-force a password.

When entering a wrong password 3 times in a row we block your session from sending any request for 10 minutes.

Further wrong attempts will lead to blacklisting the IP in combination with client information for 24h, increasing further for every failed attempt.


  • Fixed a bug which caused that the loading of the profile page took several minutes. ( From now on only the last 99 Elements of the Action History are shown by default )
  • Fixed an error which caused inconsistent CP values as seen in the menu, on the profile page and on the ranking page
  • Fixed size of the font in the Menu displaying the Users CP
  • Fixed the position of the user-avatar in the menu ( Support for IE and other shitty browsers )


At this point once again shout-out to rinatm, vhorta, Saus58 and everyone else who reported bugs, and helped us to improve the current beta.

If you have any feedback or encounter a bug, feel free to use the buttons in the menu. We are happy to hear from you!

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