Community Hub 0.1.3

Jean-Fabian Wenisch
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

In this release we introduce the “verified” status, a cleaned up UI, further performance improvements and a lot of minor changes resulting from the latest feedback.

Stories & Tasks:

User account should have an indicator about verification-status

To verify the account creation, all users receive an E-Mail containing a unique activation link. After clicking on the link, the Account gets verified.

The status of a user account now gets publicly displayed wherever the account is linked within the Community Hub.

As a user, I want to know which referral invite definitely granted me CP

Relating to the verification status, we updated the Community Hub referral panel to indicate the status of invited users. To reduce the risk of misusage, users will only get rewarded with a bounty if the newly registered user verifies their E-Mail address.

As a user, I should be able to re-request the verification mail

For User who missed out verifying their E-mail address, we implemented a function to re-request the verification mail again from the settings page.

As a user, I want to switch faster between different Hub sections

After the improvements in release 0.1.2, we could identify an issue that leads to inefficient resource usage when requesting data. This caused the Community Hub to slow down after a certain runtime and due to the load-balanced environment, a new instance would be created invalidating all login sessions. Therefore users would have to re-authentication all over. The new release should get rid of this behavior while we are still monitoring and improving all authentication related processes before proceeding with the next features.


  • Fixed a bug that leads to showing already favorites tweets in the bounty panel.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to that the member age achievement couldn’t be granted for certain users.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to showing inconsistency between points in ranking and in profile.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to tweets not rendering in Twitter Bounty page.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to not giving out CP for certain interactions on twitter
  • Fixed a bug due to which no activation mail has been sent out
  • Fixed a bug which leads to that there is no way to cancel change avatar dialogue (no closing button, click outside of the overlay doesn't close it)


We were glad to have received numerous feedback from you, hence we took care of some things that have been reported to us. Below you can find an excerpt of related issues. The detailed changelog can be found on Github.

If you have any further feedback or encounter a bug, feel free to use the buttons in the menu. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

- The border is visible. Text is vertically not centered. Too much text in general.
- Removed Max Counter from Bounty display due to the fact that the Community Hub Lists only the latest 30 Elements but points are also given out for interactions with older items.
- Too much whitespace in between the line description and the value. makes it hard to read.
- Profile picture of User I check out appears on my own Profile Box.
-Could also say Reddit and Telegram
— If you hover on the button the icons are not so good to see. maybe use the complementary colour for it
- Boxes should be alligned regarding the size
- Highlight current page
— Hover effect is weird. Button should change. This applyis for all buttons
— Double scroll bar necessary?
— Maybe put 1. 2. 3. in the top 3 boxes. In the list below it is enough if it starts with the 4th becaue the top 3 are already mentioned above
- Why using “pts” and “CP” instead of one “einheit”/point-”currency”?
— Takes quite long to load
- Red text hardly readable clickable things should be buttons login button is too wide in comparison to text fields above
— After the password reset you get directed to the login page without any confirmation that the password was successfully resetted
- changed avatar is not showing in the ranking
— currently? unavailable missing? how many point do i get for referring? logos have a too small resolution
— Sometimes no pictures shown

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