Data privacy compliant analyses for COVID-19 control with MADANA

5 min readApr 9, 2020


MADANA: The missing link between data protection and data analysis

The current situation poses unforeseen challenges to our society as a whole, but especially to research, government and industry. Rapid and courageous action is now required from all sides. MADANA can make a decisive contribution to the fight against COVID-19 with its unique, patented technology in the field of secure, privacy-compliant data analysis.

To effectively combat the spread of COVID-19, a thorough analysis of all available data streams and their immediate exchange is essential. So far, however, the efficient use and transmission of these data have been hampered by current data protection regulations. As a result, various governments are now calling for the restriction or complete abolition of laws that protect privacy and personal freedom. A step which, in addition to the ongoing crisis, could lead to a serious split in society and thus represent a frontal attack on liberal Western values. These considerations are seemingly justified by the lack of technical alternatives.

How can MADANA help?

MADANA enables the secure, privacy-compliant transmission of data as well as their analysis and evaluation. Due to the unique combination of asymmetric encryption, blockchain technology and hardware-secured processing environments (Trusted Execution Environments) MADANA gives the participating institutions access to previously inaccessible information. Thus, we can develop new approaches and solution strategies, track the situation in real time, address the population individually and achieve an agile response to situational changes.

With that, restrictions from data protection regulations become irrelevant. MADANA’s zero-trust ecosystem can facilitate European, but also global cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus. States and research institutions from different regions of the world can share real-time information without having to give up personal rights or IP protection. In this way, help can be provided non-bureaucratically and efficiently. The global problem of COVID-19 can only be solved with globally coordinated measures. MADANA provides the urgently needed infrastructure for this.

MADANA can provide strategic support in two ways:

Direct actions to combat COVID-19 by supporting governmental and research institutions through the collection and analysis of medical and mobility data in compliance with data protection legislation:

  • Traceability of the infection chain
  • Avoidance of contact with infected persons
  • Clarification and advice in case of potential danger
  • Assessment of the personal risk of infection
  • Tracking the movement profiles of (potentially) infected persons
  • Personalized recommendations for action based on the risk of infection
  • Efficient and data privacy-compliant transfer of relevant data between participating entities (e.g. Telecom, Robert Koch Institute, Health Ministry, etc.)
  • Direct population survey with integrated evaluation by “Corona-App”

MADANA is already involved in the development of a health application in the wake of the electronic patient file and can make the expertise gained available efficiently and immediately in the current situation.

A great potential is the possibility to use different data types for the prediction of supply bottlenecks of drugs and medical devices and accessories, as well as for the prognosis of intensive care units.

Symptoms, diagnoses, medication and previous illnesses can be tracked in the app. By releasing mobility data and comparison with other movement profiles, risk assessments can be created and calculated. If the above-mentioned data are combined, it is possible to extrapolate capacity utilization and forecasts. Further, it is possible to provide individualized recommendations for action based on the risk analysis and thus protect the person contacted, but especially the environment.

With MADANA this is possible in accordance with data protection and without abandoning basic rights, thus protecting the privacy of the individual and everyone’s health. The virtual, blockchain-based monetization system enables the remuneration of those who released personal data. Therefore, a strong incentive mechanism, which may be needed, can be provided.

Indirect actions to mitigate secondary impacts by supporting the economy and tracking the supply chain:

  • Traceability of the supply chain without disclosure of IP and company secrets
  • Zero-trust collaboration between economic entities
  • Determination of the actual supply capacities of scarce goods, as well as forecasting of supply bottlenecks

Due to the special combination of technologies, MADANA provides unique insights into complex processes and interrelationships. Especially in connection with the above mentioned forecasts, it is possible to react agilely to the dynamically developing situation and to ensure the population‘s supply.

Next, we list a few of the advantages and particularities of MADANA’s immediately implementable, ready-to-use technology.

Technological Aspects

MADANA‘s features ensure decentralized data storage and secure transmission channels for individually encrypted data.

  • Decentralized storage of all data on the users’ devices
  • Transfer of the metadata to MADANA merely to determine the data structure of the existing data
  • Encryption of the data on the user device using individual keys; subsequent transmission of the encrypted data
  • Ensuring the secure transmission of encrypted user data to the analysis processing unit via secure transmission channels

Due to the decentralized storage of the data, as well as individual encryption, MADANA is safe from data hacks — each device would have to be hacked individually!

In conclusion, MADANA offers the opportunity to overcome the current crisis with the expertise and agility of a high-tech company. It is now time to use the technological developments of the last years for the benefit of the whole society and to work on solutions in a timely manner.

Enthusiastic about the role we can play in this crisis? Get in touch and share this post with those who should use MADANA’s privacy-preserving technology to help fight this pandemic.




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