Finally… A success story in the middle of the crypto winter!

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4 min readMar 20, 2019

After the mad rollercoaster ride of the crypto boom experienced up until the spring of last year, it has gotten quite silent around the crypto community. The wild dreams of getting rich overnight are long gone. And yes, many experts have buried blockchain technology and the crypto hype as “nonsense” and a bubble that is now gone… But is it? Our experience shows a very different picture. One that we are happy and proud to share with you.

Yes, it is true. There have been a lot of scams, disappointments and failures around this technology. Partially because it is so young, partially because of an element of greed that is part of human nature. Now that the free lunch is over and the noise has tuned significantly down, the way has finally been opened for a new breed of startups in the field. Those who are not in for a quick buck, but rather recognize the power of blockchain technology to solve real-life problems. That is precisely what we are trying to do at MADANA.

In case you don’t know, our mission at MADANA is to bring back ownership of data to its users. We give them full control over their data, including the possibility of monetizing it, while preserving their privacy. In this age, in which gigantic corporations pretty much own all our data and have exclusive rights on its monetization, this represents a true paradigm shift in terms of privacy, fairness, transparency, and democratization.

A startup in growth mode, such as we are, traditionally has three options to fuel its growth.

· The first option is to pay money to the leading internet platforms in the world, such as Google or Facebook, in exchange for advertising. It works. It is extremely expensive and at the end puts the money in the pocket of the same companies we are trying to challenge.

· The second option is to fake it. Fake users, fake accounts, fake likes, fake everything. Significantly cheaper, but it carries no substance at all. You are not building a brand; you are pretending to build a brand. As profound believers in transparency and trust, which are core to our technology and mission, this is something we simply would NEVER do. Period.

· The third option is to grow organically. It does not compromise the budget required to develop a solution, but it requires a long time. Very long. This is how we have been growing with MADANA since our inception. We managed to grow our follower base on twitter to 1,6K followers and 400 on LinkedIn by the beginning of the year. And yes, we are proud of it.

We had the feeling there was a different way: Build a community. An important driver for the success of any new technology or solution has always been its community. We profoundly believe in developing our solution for and with our community. That is why we have spent long days and nights developing a proprietary solution for the MADANA Community Hub. It took a little while since we started at the end of last year… But now, and to our joy: it is working. And to our surprise: it is working extremely well!

Rather than spending the money on advertising, we went ahead a created a platform that does specifically what MADANA believes in: We democratize the monetization of data, or in this case, of actions. Rather than writing a check to large corporations, we have offered a reward program to real users that are forming our community. We request their help, spreading the word about MADANA and reward them for it. We are generating involvement, endorsement, support and building a user base, that later will be an essential asset to our platform. What happened is that our reward program got picked up a couple of weeks ago by some of the leading platforms in the space, and it took off. Big time. Here is a list of some of the websites that posted about us:






Our learning: It works. Within weeks since we started our community program, we have managed to double our user base and followers. Our communication is now receiving 5 and up to 10 times more attention. Involving and rewarding our user base and building a strong community around our brand and our product might be the best marketing decision we have ever taken at MADANA. The challenge we have currently is to deal with this success, but that is the type of challenges we like. All that being said, we understand that some scripted accounts have made their way into our community, hence the generic comments under our posts. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about this since these types of accounts are a natural by-product of any bounty and airdrop campaign ever conducted.

At this stage, our thank you goes to our community: Keep supporting us, keep engaging and spreading the word. And to our team: keep moderating, providing answers and support… We believe we are on to something. And we really hope you join us!




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