Growth-2-Market Strategy And Product Introduction

Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2019

In this post, we would like to give you an official update on what we are working on currently and how our Growth-2-Market scaling strategy is coming along even better than expected.

First things first, our initial goal and vision of becoming the biggest decentralized pool for information have not changed. We have partnered up with two world-renowned consultancies — Accenture and Capgemini and are hard at work to onboard several other big ones, which we can not disclose at the moment. These consultancies are our multipliers and connectors to a vast amount of global enterprises, with which we will be conducting several projects starting now.

In order to give us the best possible head start, we decided to concentrate on the following vertical markets in which we will roll out our industry projects: eHealth, Banking, Financial Services & Insurance, Automotive, Airlines/Airports, Telecommunication, and Retail. Out of these, we have already started working on concrete industry appliances in cooperation with established big German consumer-centric corporations, which we can not disclose at this point in time.

It goes without saying that conducting these projects would not be possible if we didn’t have any products or services to offer. In fact, we are working on three such products. Let’s start with the one that is most applicable and needed for said projects — MADANA Enterprise.

MADANA Enterprise — Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Due to the fastly rising market need, we are building our PaaS solution which is of great benefit for closed business ecosystems. MADANA Enterprise provides the convenience of having enterprise software deployed as a service while maintaining the ability to personalize it to one's own needs and requirements. By offering a variety of services to assist with the development, testing, and deployment of apps it can provide great speed and flexibility to the entire business ecosystem.

MADANA Core — Function as a Service (FaaS)

Through this product, we offer our users secured, serverless computing and processing. This solution is aimed for developers and cloud computing — our MADANA core module offers an implementation that is easily applicable in any industry. Through MADANA Core, secured processes can be easily integrated into one’s current workflow and upgrade it into privacy-enhanced workflows, which offer a unique competitive edge in regards to data privacy directive compliances and end-user data safety.

MADANA Platform — Software as a Service (SaaS)

3 Roles — Unlimited Participants

This is our big vision. An open platform where data producers, plug-in providers, and data analysis buyers come together. Everybody can participate, and every participant can take on any role. Data Analysis with MADANA’s privacy-enhancing capabilities, in short PrivTech, is the way to unlock the true potential of Big Data and Cross-Analytics. The platform enables new business models for Apps and Services which can use the platform to gain insights or monetize data in a privacy-preserving way.

To find out more about our products head on over here.

Scaling Strategy

So what implications does this have on our promised scaling strategy from the White Paper (p.48)? None, as a matter of fact, we are not only on-track with the timeline we had set, but actually are ahead of it, especially in terms of strategic partnerships and kick-off projects. Besides the fact of having Accenture and Capgemini in our corner, we were also able to add a number of excellent advisors to our team, each with years of experience in their respective fields.

There are two main reasons as to why we decided to go with this approach. The first one is to be able to earn revenue and funding as soon as possible in order to expand our team with great talent and in turn make MADANA the best it can be. Secondly, is to train, test and enhance our solution and create a wide-ranging set of ontologies which will be of utmost importance for the betterment of all of our products, especially the MADANA Platform. Each of our products is connected to our system, the same one that we will be using for the big vision platform. This B2B2C scaling process is in our opinion the ideal way of refining our solution, whilst at the same time earning revenue, experience, and growing our team. In addition, we will establish MADANA and our PrivTech approach as a staple in this newly-created market niche — this, however, is a whole other topic, which we will introduce in an upcoming blog post.

Everything Blockchain

We know a vast part of our community is eagerly awaiting news and updates on what is happening with the creation of our PAX cryptocurrency and the subsequent Main Sale. We have a dedicated task force hard at work on it daily. In order to produce the best possible strategy to appease all of our investors, contributors, and believers we are keeping it rather quiet on this front. In light of the changing crypto market, we had to also tailor our strategy accordingly and we will give you a detailed update soon.


We hope to have given you a glimpse into what is going on at our HQ in Berlin and are excited to provide you with more news in the upcoming weeks. Due to the introduction of our products, we, of course, have also updated our website, on which you can now find out more about our products and our underlying technology.

All the best,

Your MADANA team.




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