Imagine a World where You Actually Own Your Data

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3 min readOct 3, 2017

At any time data is created. It is created by your smartphone, your computer and all the other smart devices you own. Any action of yours, it all results in more data created. All your personal data combined is called the virtual you. But sadly you don’t really own it. Right now you are handing over your private information by agreeing to general terms and conditions. And the virtual you is worth a lot of money.

It is worth enough for all your apps, websites you use or even your private devices such as cars to collect as much of this data as possible. But not only are these data hungry companies earning an incredible amount of money with your data, but often enough completely disregard your privacy. Countless hacks and leaks proof that your data is not safe once you are giving up ownership.

Imagine a World where You Actually Earn Money with Your Data

Do you really have to give up your privacy and see other parties earn money with that? We at MADANA don’t think so. We believe in a world where your data is retained by you. Where data is only leaving your devices when you agree to it, under your own terms. In this world you will earn money any time your data is accessed through a transparent and private process.

The MADANA Ecosystem

We at MADANA are making this a reality. In our platform your data is actually never stored by us or other parties, nor really sold. It stays encrypted on your devices until it is analyzed by an analysis scheme. Analysis buyers only access the result, not the data. Your data is deleted after each analysis. Through this mechanism you stay the owner of your own data at all times whilst still earning money.

Through our system the benefits from a data driven society do not remain in the hands of giants. Our system is open and transparent. Even small and mid-sized companies are able to access results through the help of data specialists that are able to contribute their expertise through analysis scheme plug-ins. MADANA is much more than a market for data, it is a market for data analysis. Data producers, plug-in providers, and analysis buyers come together to create added value.

A Completely New Data Market

Through such an open approach data markets will work completely different from now. You retain control and can decide at any time what data can be used by what parties. As data producers are getting the biggest share of the payment, have transparency and higher security, they are incentivized to share information that will not be available in traditional data markets. Together we can create the world’s biggest decentralized pool of information. The combined potential of our data can contribute to the greater good
of science & society.

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