Introducing the Industry Sale

MADANA Main Sale goes live with an innovative concept

4 min readOct 31, 2019


One of the main challenges pioneering start-ups have been facing is the lack of timely mainstream adoption of their technological solutions. Thankfully, we at MADANA have a wide-ranging network of large industrial companies who are eager and willing to make use of our revolutionary products already today.

We are receiving an overwhelming amount of inquiries from an array of different industry players. This in addition to our patent made us come up with an utterly new way of conducting a traditional “Main Sale”, one that focuses on the immediate adoption of our solution by large corporations— the MADANA Industry Sale!

Now for the upcoming Industry Sale, we have an allocation of roughly 43.6 Million MADANA PAX (MDN) to offer.
We know you all have been eagerly waiting for this Sale to start, thus we are extra excited to be able to announce it today:

The Industry Sale is commencing on December 23rd 2019!

Industry Sale

Throughout 2019 we conducted multiple projects with industry partners. In these initial projects, we developed the first modules of our patented technology. Whilst, many of these projects are still on-going we have already been able to gather a substantial insight into the industry-pain points of many big corporations.

With this knowledge, we developed a strategy to incentivize potential ecosystem participants on the MADANA platform to commit themselves early to use the platform and bootstrapping a full-fletched working platform by the time it goes live.

The Industry Sale focuses to bring in Data Producer, Plug-In Provider, and MADANA Nodes for processing power on to the MADANA platform. In the beginning, we will focus to bring in companies and big corporations as Data Producers. This industry data fundament will support data science development and incentivize data scientists (plug-in providers) to also join the platform due to already having material available to work with. This combination will ultimately establish data analytics opportunities to be processed, at which point MADANA Nodes will come in place to fulfill the processing demand, by meeting our hardware specifications.

Each one of these roles has an inherent need for our MADANA PAX cryptocurrency to fulfill their duty and through the MADANA Industry Sale, we are targeting these companies to give them the opportunity of being the first movers on the MADANA platform. This way MADANA PAX will be able to reach exactly those who add value to the whole undertaking and serve them with the intended purpose.

Industry Sale Structure

MADANA Industry Sale Structure

Data Producer Sale

The MADANA Industry Sale will begin with the Data Producer Sale and will present an offer specifically targeted to meet the needs of our Data Producers.

The Data Producer Sale will start the Industry Sale on December 23rd, 2019.

The inherent reason to target companies that will function as Data Producers first, revolves around the fact that they are the basis of a functioning MADANA platform. The details of the concrete offer will be published on the day this package goes live.

Premium Data Producer
Selected big industry-partners will receive the opportunity to purchase a special Premium Data Producer Package which will allow them to co-decide on the data structure for their industry on the MADANA platform. This will grant them special benefits which we will introduce with all the details on the day the Data Producer Sale launches.

Plug-In Provider Sale

After positioning enough companies as Data Producers for the MADANA Platform we will start the Plug-In Provider packages to incentivize data scientists to use the MADANA platform.

Relevant information containing a detailed offer will be announced prior to January 1st, 2021.

MADANA Nodes Sale

As the last piece of the puzzle, the offer which will target MADANA Nodes will be introduced before January 1st, 2022.

MADANA Nodes are essential to deliver the processing resources from Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and deliver secure and qualitative Data Analysis Results to their respective requestees.

MADANA PAX (MDN) Direct Purchase

During the MADANA Main Sale which will happen from December 23rd, 2019 and ending on December 31st, 2023, we will also let specific entities who wish to purchase MADANA PAX directly from the company to do so. The minimum amount for this purchase will be announced on our website.

We are thrilled to start the MADANA platform strategy this year and are looking forward to announcing quality partnerships in the coming months afterward.

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MADANA reserves the right to change the structure, process, and timeline of the Industry Sale anytime. Further, during the period of the Industry Sale, we reserve the right to conduct special sales and offerings of the MADANA PAX (MDN) cryptocurrency in any way beneficial for the company. All MADANA PAX (MDN) which won’t be sold after this period will be burned via an implemented function in the MADANA PAX smart contract.




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