MADANA Summer Roadshow Recap

MADANA in Russia and South East Asia

6 min readSep 17, 2018


From the 22nd of August up until the 8th of September part of the MADANA team, including our CEO Christian Junger, hit the road to present as well as educate the different communities about Lisk, MADANAs vision and the technology behind it. The destinations were Moscow, Singapore, Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh. In this blog post you will find a rehash of the events that transpired in each of the locations.

Moscow — Crypto BBQ & MADANA Meet Up

We would like to preface that our Moscow trip wouldn’t even have even been half as successful without the help of our Russian ambassador Alexey Usanov. He did an amazing job helping us organize as well as conduct our trip to beautiful Moscow.

At the Crypto BBQ with our Russian ambassador — Alexey

On the 23rd of August we attended the Crypto BBQ. The location was absolutely stunning and right next to the water at the Berezy Park a little ways outside of downtown Moscow. A lot of crypto enthusiasts showed up from all over the world and MADANA received a lot of positive feedback.

Moscow Meet Up

Even though the last summer day of the year happened to fall on the same date as our meet up a lot of people showed up. All of the attendees were very interested in our project and Lisk and we had a productive networking session after Christian’s presentation.

Singapore — Blockhain Summit & MADANA Meet Up

Subsequently to our meet up in Moscow we took off to Singapore. After an exhausting 14 hour flight we finally arrived in our first stop of our South East Asia roadshow — the world’s epicenter for ICOs and other blockchain related projects — Singapore!

Singapore Blockchain Summit x MADANA

On the 28th of August we attended the Singapore Blockchain Summit where we made some very interesting connections with other blockchain projects and blockchain supporters from all over the globe.

MADANA at The Blockchain Hub office in Singapore

The very next day we had a highly productive meeting with the guys from The Blockchain Hub at their office — huge thanks again to them for inviting and hosting us!

Singapore Meet Up

After our meeting with The Blockchain Hub we instantly headed over to the very cool and hip venue for our meet up. We were able to auspiciously present our endeavours for MADANA to the Singaporean blockchain community — which showed up in numbers and made our presentation a very interactive one due to all of the questions and interest they had in our project. Huge thanks to all of the attendees.

Bangkok — Block Hedge Asia & MADANA meet up

Bangkok, Thailand

Subsequent to four awesome days in Singapore we took flight to Bangkok, Thailand. We were very surprised at just how progressive Thailand is in regards to blockchain and cryptocurrency acceptance.

Block Hedge Asia x MADANA x Lisk

On August 31st we attended the exclusive Block Hedge Asia event at the Hyatt Hotel. There we were able to exchange valuable information with industry leaders and experts — not only from the business side but also from the regulatory side.

Bangkok Meet Up

On the following day we conducted our Bangkok Meet Up where we carried over the momentum from the Block Hedge and continued our discussions in a more private atmosphere where we welcomed valuable guests, such as DragonEx.

A funny little tidbit of side information, whilst trying to get to our meet up venue we were not able to find a taxi and the monsoon rain was in full effect. In order to not be late to our own event we only had one choice — pack all our banners, drinks etc into the famous Bangkokian Tuk Tuk, squeeze together and off we went :)

MADANA x Tuk Tuk

Ho Chi Minh City — MADANA Meet Up

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Our last stop of the Roadshow was Ho Chi Minh City, better known as Saigon. Vietnam’s crypto and blockchain market is most definitely emerging in a very rapid way and we could most definitely feel it during our meetings as well as our meet up:

Ho Chi Minh City Meet Up

Due to the already existing enthusiasm that persists within the Vietnamese blockchain community it was a mere joy for us to educate and talk all things MADANA and blockchain with them. It was definitely a great way to close out our Roadshow.

Take Aways

Prior to departing for the roadshow we set ourselves clear goals. We are constantly working hard on making the MADANA brand globally known. This roadshow was a big step towards achieving this goal. We need to build up communities throughout the different countries and regions of the world — hence we also started our ambassador program (find out more about it here:
This roadshow was a huge success in this regard, Alexey Usanov — our new ambassador for Russia, is the prime example for this. Also in Singapore, Bangkok and Saigon we met several potentially great fits to fill out our ambassador slots for these regions so stayed tuned to find out more about this and the ambassador program as a whole in the coming weeks.

Another goal was to raise awareness and educate the different communities about MADANA as well as data privacy and blockchain in general. Based on the feedback, passion and sheer enthusiasm from the attendees of our meet ups we can confidently say that we successfully achieved this goal

All in all our Summer Roadshow was vastly successful. We were able to set foot and show flag in the Russian and South East Asian markets. Furthermore we made several very important connections, both business wise but also community wise. We are now back at our headquarters in Berlin, Germany and will most definitely use the momentum we brought with us to make MADANA a globally known brand.

If you would like to keep track of our progress and stay up to date:

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