Our PAX Cryptocurrency is Launching this Year!

Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2019

Many of you who have been following us have seen the progress we already made with our B2B strategy. In this blog post, we want to highlight to our supporters and community members the progress we made regarding our PAX launch and what you can expect for the foreseeable future.

The Path to our Vision — The MADANA Platform

What many of you might still not know is that we are not only developing a sidechain or smart contracts. Here at MADANA, we are pioneering privacy-preserving data analyses. The core products that we are currently developing for enterprises will be connected and introduced to the masses with the help of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, openness, and fairness for all participants.

Release of MADANA products

Moreover, this approach will connect and open up the data-silos from various industries, while ensuring monetization and privacy for the true owners of the data and purpose-specific use of it for data consumers. With this in mind, the medium to make all the background transactions and validations is our cryptocurrency PAX.

To scale and achieve our vision, we will grow through a longterm plan which encompasses our products starting with MADANA Enterprise and ending with MADANA Platform.

Therefore, the main launch of our MADANA platform will require a long period of development, testing & adjustment before it can be introduced to the public in the future.

We didn’t want to keep our supporters waiting until this platform goes live, so we decided to introduce the PAX cryptocurrency in Q4 2019 as an ERC-20 standard token.

MADANA goes broader

The conversations with many of our customers from the B2B sector show one constant conclusion. The demand for our technology is simply too big to ignore! It is evident that we must act now and broaden the area of applications for our blockchain agnostic technology.

We are excited to upgrade to this approach for several reasons. The ERC-20 token standard has been extensively tested and proven in the blockchain industry, and Ethereum has one of the largest user bases in the industry. The widespread wallet and exchange compatibility lowers the entry barrier and has the potential to trickle down users into both ecosystems.

Not only will it warrant us and our supporters an earlier market entry but also empower us to stay flexible enough within our ongoing agile company development and meet the popular demand.

In November 2018, Lisk released their new roadmap, introducing the action plan towards a production SDK. In this roadmap, the possibility to create a custom token on the Lisk main blockchain was set to be after the beta SDK in the future. This required agile adjustments on our side, and we quickly began to examine reasonable solutions to ensure the completion of our ambitions in terms of the PAX launch for 2019.

PAX Logo

While we have an unchanged commitment to developing certain building blocks of the MADANA platform with the yet to come Lisk production SDK, we can certainly release the PAX cryptocurrency before that.

Several possibilities exist to connect both ecosystems (e.g. a Lisk-Ethereum Bridge) and we will choose the best path that will suit the state of the MADANA platform development in the future.

Next Steps

In preparation for the PAX launch in Q4 of this year, we are going to collect Ethereum disbursement addresses from the contributors of the previous rounds of the Token Sale.

We will contact everyone via email and announce on all social media channels clear instructions on how to progress from thereon. Further, we will give you a reasonable timeframe to send us your Ethereum address to receive the claimed PAX from the Token Sale.

A blog post dedicated to relaying the specific dates and instructions for this will be released soon. Subsequently, a blog post detailing our Main Sale will also be released.

Follow our current development regarding our cryptocurrency PAX on our social media as we are sure you will like what is coming next!

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