University study aims to guide first-generation students to success

Olivia Albert
First-Generation Students
2 min readDec 4, 2019

By Olivia Albert

Anne McDaniel and Vincent Roscigno discuss the longitudinal, mixed-methods study aiming to support first-generation students.

Vincent Roscigno, a sociology professor, was reading through outdated survey data conducted by Ohio State on first-generation students before he decided to reach out to the Office of Student Life with interest to conduct a new and more effective study.

The First-Generation Student Study is an ongoing research study that aims to help Ohio State to understand how to support first-generation students.

It is a partnership between the Center for the Study of Student Life and the department of sociology and is run by Roscigno and Anne McDaniel, the executive director of the Center for the Study of Student Life.

Roscigno said that the study will allow for research and insights into moments of vulnerability and opportunity for students who neither parent has a bachelor’s degree.

“There’s going to be a lot of success stories that happen in this data, which gives a unique twist to the research literature,” Roscigno said.

The study begins every fall when students arrive on campus. First-generation students are sent a survey asking them to participate in the study and reflect on their engagement and involvement on campus.

“We’re really interested in that — kind of your sense of belonging on campus,” McDaniel said.

Roscigno said the study consists of a cohort of 942 participants for the survey. Half of this sample is made up of first-generation students, the other half being continuing-generation students.

“That gives us the ability to compare,” Roscigno said.

In October and November, these same students are invited to participate in in-person interviews. McDaniel said that this smaller group of 76 students allows for more in-depth, qualitative research.

“We have a rigorous quantitative dimension with the survey, but also in-depth, qualitative material with the interviews,” Roscigno said.

Bailie Brownstead, a fourth-year studying sociology and research assistant for the study, said that the main goal is to discover how to help first-generation students to succeed in college.

“It’s well known that first-gens have a higher likelihood of dropping out of college compared to their peers, so I think it is crucial to conduct research on this topic and find a solution,” Brownstead said.

Roscigno said he hopes that the study will help to create new policies to guide first-generation students to success.

McDaniel said that the study began in autumn 2018 and will conclude in autumn 2024, to ensure that the students are followed throughout their whole academic career.

