My Week Without YouTube

Madelaine Bell
Made and Found
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2023


A computer monitor with wings flys off into a sky with pink clouds
Images by Joao Jesus from Pexels, Angeleses from pixabay, and Sketchify via Canva

In her book The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp outlines 32 different challenges and exercises to help the reader grow as a creator. I’m slowly working my way through all of them. Exercise 4 is “Give Me One Week Without” in which Tharp challenges the reader to give up a distraction for a full week, and see how it boosts their creative health.

How much time do we lose every week to distractions? How much art is never created because of it? For one week in early February 2023 I decided to find the answers to these questions, at least in regards to myself. This was the week I gave up YouTube.

Day 1:

I wake up, get my coffee, sit down at my computer annnnd… I can’t do my usual routine of watching a mindless video while drinking life juice. Instead I load up the Book of the Month** podcast Virtual Book Tour and hop onto Patreon to do some writing. We’re already off to a good start!

Is it weird that I like to listen to words while writing words, or is this just an ADHD thing? I make a note to look into this later.

At night I go to watch something and have to choose a movie on Netflix instead. Only 1h7m instead of my usual watching videos until 6AM and having massive insomnia issues. In bed at 10PM. I am old.

Day 2:



Madelaine Bell
Made and Found

Writer, artist, and maker living in Toronto with a BFA, too many cats, and one husband. She/They. Find me at