Credits: Unsplash

Startups: bringing innovation to corporates

Made in Möbile
Made In Möbile
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2020


When our entrepreneurial journey begins, everybody needs a close and trustable figure that advices us. A job not only for brave, but for someone who has already gone through that journey.

According to Reaktor Education and Slush, “a startup is a young company that is still searching for their business model and is aiming for high growth”. It is also synonymous of continuous learning, the ambition to scale and collaborate globally.

In addition, “startups are necessary because they create new products and services designed to solve a problem and implement solutions rapidly.”

This business model has different advantages, like a quick adaptation, flexibility and reaction to the market and its constant changes, or the low costs of developing products or services that can benefit large corporations.

But how does the startup contribute to a large company so that relations are increasingly closer?

They are every day in the news, corporations that create hubs for startups to develop their activities and then invest or acquire. Trust in emerging companies is a clear commitment to their agility to offer products and services to consumers, because among other things, they provide a fresh and not ‘contaminated’ vision.

Another characteristic that is pursued is the disruptive approach and perspective that helps organizations not to repeat old patterns and to take distance from the project in question to identify new ideas and strategies to follow. However, the diamond in the rough that everyone wants is the innovative ability of startups to solve problems using new technologies.

This situation is endorsed in the report ‘Map of Entrepreneurship’ of South Summit, according to which in 2018, 80% of startups sought strategic agreements with companies rather than an investment.

As we said at the beginning, you need to trust who has made the same journey and who knows how to highlight all your qualities towards large organizations.

The corporate purses from the startup its agility to create products and services, its disruptive perspective and above all, its innovative ability.

In Made in Möbile, as we have a broad entrepreneurial career, we will stay with you and advise you in the execution of the project so that you get the maximum benefit from your new relationship with the company, as we did with startups from Finland, Singapore, Israel, Germany or the United Kingdom , who introduced their business in Spain.

Like them, you will be able to develop your full potential in our coworking and we will help you find the right financing for your business, in addition, we will offer you an international network of partners and clients.

In short, thanks to this binomial, the organization will be able to experience new processes that will lead to digital transformation. With this revolution, and above all, open innovation, as a startup, you contribute to promoting intrapreneurship in the company itself.

There are endless possibilities for collaboration with companies!

What are you waiting for to make the leap?

