Living South Summit 2019

Made in Möbile
Made In Möbile
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2019

The 2nd of October we were at South Summit event, organized in La Nave (Madrid). This is one of the main events related to innovation and entrepreneurship together with 4YFN.

Participating in this meeting means being surrounded by great national and international speakers, attending conferences and the different battles of “startup pitches”.

In short, three unstoppable days where you can make networks even in the foodtruck area.

Main pavilion of La Nave, with stands of startups and large companies. (Credits: South Summit)

But in addition to fostering new relationships, South Summit is a meeting point between companies, investors, media and the main protagonists, startups. These two worlds that until relatively recently seemed to have nothing in common, have found synergies and verticals in which to collaborate.
For our team, this edition has involved effort, dedication and much coordination so as not to miss any panel!

Throughout the three days we met with various startups whose potential we consider of great relevance, although we would like to highlight especially 4 projects in the verticals of fintech, marketing, data analysis and mobility. We are sure that we will hear a lot about them!

These two worlds that until relatively recently seemed to have nothing in common, have found synergies and verticals in which to collaborate.

In the fintech branch, we were surprised by Etoshi, a platform that helps you understand and manage different portfolios and investments in cryptocurrencies on a single platform, thus preventing your financial information from being fragmented in the blockchain ecosystem. Its objective is to democratize this environment and although it has not yet been presented, on its website you can sign up for the waiting list to try it worldwide.

In the marketing aspect, we highlight Influencity, one of the winning startups in a double way in the global category as “More scalable product” and in Marketing and Content. In the ‘like’ era in which we live, this tool puts influencers in touch with great brands to work and collaborate.

On the other hand, in the section of data analytics, we point out Toucan Toco, a data storytelling solution created to facilitate access to information to the entire team in a graphic, simple and agile way that helps you in making decisions with the data available to everyone.

In addition, we have had our contribution to South Summit, because our CEO and partner, Marta, participated as a jury in the pitching of Smart Mobility startups. The winner was iomob, which provides a space for local authorities and private companies to make available to travelers their different methods of transport and they can choose and compare the one that best suits their needs.

In this edition we have met and interacted with other players in the sector

Made in Möbile’s team entering South Summit

In short, in this edition we have met and interacted with other players in the sector and we have discovered magnificent solutions that lead us to wonder if the future is really so distant.

It has been a very enriching experience both personally and professionally for each of us and we are sure that in 2020 South Summit will surprise us again.

