The role of Open in a business model

Sarah Hinchliff Pearson
Made with Creative Commons
2 min readJun 26, 2015

In our open business models initiative at Creative Commons, the first step we use when we are trying to understand a business model is mapping it to a modified version of the canvas tool from the Business Model Generation handbook. Our modified version of the canvas looks like this:

We’ve found this to be an incredibly useful exercise. It puts the big picture of an entire business model together in one handy visual depiction.

Once we have an accurate picture of a current or aspirational business model, we start teasing out the role that Open plays within it. (I should clarify that when I say “Open,” I mean CC-licensed content, of course. But I mean much more than that, too. It’s the digital commons, collaboration, transparency, community — these are all important parts of Open.) In some cases, the role of Open is minimal. In others, it is fundamental. In many cases in-between, it is integral but could be more so. Open has the potential to affect nearly every part of the business model canvas.

  • Open can enhance the value you offer customers,
  • Open can help you build a meaningful relationship with your customers,
  • Open can help you reach your customers through different channels,
  • Open can further the social good you provide the world,
  • Open can create opportunities for new partnerships within the open ecosystem,
  • Open can help you minimize costs,
  • Open can be a key resource,
  • Open can help create new value that customers are willing to pay for.

