Daily — Made with Vue js showcase | Made with Javascript

Made with Javascript
Made with Javascript
2 min readAug 17, 2020

Curated dev news delivered to your new tab

Daily — Made with Vue js showcase | Made with Javascript
Daily — Made with Vue js showcase | Made with Javascript

Daily is an open source browser extension which provides curated dev news to your new tab.

It gathers and ranks articles from tens of unique sources to help developers stay updated with the most relevant developer news. You can bookmark items, sync your data across devices, and read when you want. It works offline as well and has a progressive web app (PWA) for mobile.

Daily is:

  • 🌟 Well-maintained: We are working continuously to introduce new features, fix bugs, and improve user experience — 40+ releases on average in a year.
  • ♾ Constantly Updated: Daily’s article feed is constantly updated. As soon as new articles get published, they start appearing in Daily.
  • 🧵 Open Source: Daily is completely open source. You can see the code to learn how it works, and contribute to help it improve.

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Made with Javascript
Made with Javascript

Javascript is amazing and the #apps you can make with #Javascript is more amazing! Biggest #showcase of #madewithjavascript projects for your inspiration!