Announcing our new, fully redesigned website

Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2018

Sometimes, you just know when it’s time for change. Despite the fact that we were very proud of our website, we also found that it no longer expressed the right story. Today, we’re very proud to announce the launch of the fully redesigned Awkward website.

We set out to create a clear and open space were we focused on primary content and smarter information flow. With its frontpage, the website shows its simplicity and style, where only core information and projects are presented. Our visual trademark is unveiled behind playful hover states.

Images are a returning element and maintain their importance, bringing balance between different content types. We have placed emphasis on moving images, which give the website more character and better explain our intentions.

We wanted the website to show the growth that we experienced in recent years. Our tone of voice became more mature and our copy more concise. This resulted in a relocation of our blog to Medium, which we felt became a better fit. We also chose to use a neutral font, with specific characteristics.

We are excited to finally share the new Please send us a message if you have any questions or feedback.




We partner with founders and companies to create digital products.